Breaking the Silence
Support for women experiencing domestic abuse
Domestic abuse doesn’t always mean physical violence. Many women experience abuse without ever being physically harmed. Abuse occurs when someone changes their behaviour out of fear of their partner, ex-partner and even family members.
Domestic abuse can occur regardless of age, background, gender, religion, sexuality, or ethnicity. Remember, domestic abuse is illegal.

Women from ethnic minority groups experience domestic abuse too !
Language barriers, cultural stigma and service provider insensitivity may affect victims from the Black, Asian and minority ethnic [BME] groups. You are not alone and there is help for domestic abuse victims.
The team at Hiba Foundation will help you leave an abusive situation by referring you to a safe refuge centre.
You will live with other women with similar experiences and friendly staff will be on hand to help you settle in and give you the support you need to start thinking about your future.
Please contact us today if you feel vulnerable or simply need to have a confidential chat about your options. We do not judge and welcome calls from women of all backgrounds.